Kira Yustak | Artist Profile Photo
Kira Yustak
Long Branch, New Jersey
Kira Yustak paints fantastical scenes that come from her childhood memories, dreams, and the natural world. Each piece feels like part of a larger narrative of an alternative reality, rendered in a style she describes as comic realism. She feels art must trigger something inside the viewer’s soul.Kira currently lives in New Jersey and finds inspiration in the work of Lowbrow, Folk, and Surrealist artists.
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Artist Statement

My work is an exploration of the relationship between people and the natural world. Humans are a part of the natural world and at the same time they are in a constant state of flux and conflict with it. We try to control nature, try to harness the power of it, and we have an impact on the planet with everything we do on a daily basis. We are perpetually captivated by nature's uncontrollable forces and strive to capture its untamed beauty. The conflict between us as human beings and the forces of nature is a never-ending struggle. This enduring struggle is reflected in our tendency to overpopulate, industrialize, and exploit natural resources, negatively altering our environment. Yet animals and plants are surprisingly resilient, learning to adapt and survive. Sometimes, we forget that we are a part of the natural world. Ironically, what we do ultimately affects ourselves. These particular themes interest me, and my most recent paintings are a way to think this concept through, at times in a humorous manner and at other times on a more serious level.

Artist Background

Hunter College
Master of Fine Arts, 1994
Pratt Institute
Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1990


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