Linda Cassidy | Artist Profile Photo
Linda Cassidy
Barrytown , New York
The gaze operates in both directions - towards the perceivable surfaces of the world and the perceiver. Artist Linda Cassidy’s body of work creates a zone where these two principles converge. She employs organically arranged geometric forms in alluring abstracts, exploring dynamic senses of rhythm and inner movement through natural shape sequences. “My art is not about saying something about the world. Rather it’s about seeing and hearing the world and living it from within my completely local network of being,” asserts Linda. She refined her understanding of the formal aspects of art at Bard College and further developed her conceptual vision through graduate school at Stony Brook. Impactful mentors have taken a vital role in her creative growth, not only with academia but also through motherhood and teaching in public school for thirty meaningful years. The juncture where the everyday merges into the miraculous constantly grant her inspiration. Linda paints in a small studio converted from a kitchen attached to her 1800s farmhouse, where she converts her initial impulses from quick sketches into full-blown paintings. Her work has been featured and well-praised in New York galleries. Linda finds relaxation in reading, gardening, and walking her two chihuahuas. Committed to being present in every moment, her yoga practice profoundly informs her art.
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Artist Statement

The gaze operates in both directions: out towards the perceivable surfaces of the world, and inwardly towards the perceiver. The convergence where those two meet is the zone informing this body of work. My art is not about saying something about the world. Rather it’s about seeing and hearing the world, smelling it, and living it from within my completely local network of being. What inspires me is that juncture where the everyday merges into the miraculous, where the governing beauty of being, usually hidden in plain sight within each particle of time, skyscape, and landscape, within each physical body, becomes momentarily perceivable; shimmering into apprehension before it melds into the realm of memory.

Artist Background

Bard College
Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1978
SUNY Stony Brook University
Master of Arts and Art History, 1986
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