Yenny Cocq | Artist Profile Photo
Yenny Cocq
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Yenny Cocq is a figurative sculptor who works in bronze. She begins each piece by working in oil clay so she can create the form of the figure. She continues by creating a mold to produce wax versions of the sculpture, which she can alter further to develop the emotion of her figures. The final step is to have the artwork cast in bronze at a foundry. Yenny’s figures create modular families–adults, children, and pets may be mixed and matched to accurately reflect loving familial relationships.
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Artist Statement

As a figurative sculptor, I find myself drawn to the intricate beauty of the human body, one of nature's most fascinating forms. In my work, I strive to distill the human figure into its essential, almost geometric shapes. Using this simplified form, I seek to convey emotional narratives and ideas. Through my sculptures, I breathe life into my subjects, capturing their innermost feelings and expressing my own romantic sensibilities. My sculptures often depict couples, each embodying their unique body language and emotional connection. Through simple lines and planes, I aim to capture the essence of their gestures and expressions. I am particularly fascinated by the subtle nuances of posture and gesture that can convey profound emotional depth. Beyond creating visually pleasing art, my goal is to engage viewers on a deeper level, inviting them to merge their own experiences and passions with the narratives reflected in my sculptures. I hope to provoke unique responses in each viewer, encouraging them to interact with the artwork in their own way. Some may even feel compelled to reinterpret the sculptures, changing their intended communication and weaving them into their own personal stories and relationships.
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